Includes: Journal only NOT feather
From day one up until last night writing has been a tool that I have used on my spiritual journey. For me physically writing something down is used in so many ways. Journal your Journey.
1. Manifesting, taking something from a thought to a plan just blows the doors open for your spirit team to create this reality for you. You can manifest your reality all the time (I'm an all the time manifestor). Some people focus on manifesting during the New Moon.
2. Releasing what no longer serves me. When I am letting go of pain or sadness I will write it out and burn the pages, transmuting the energy of what is holding me down.
3. Journaling my spiritual ascension. During this process, we have some pretty crazy experiences. It is amazing to see how far you've come when you look back over the years.
4. Dream tracking. Many times our spirit team, deceased ancestors, soul family, or even our living loved ones communicate with us during dream state. Writing dreams down can help process what you are receiving. Keep it close we lose our dreams quickly!
5. Are you learning tarot, or creating an energetic language as a medium? Channeling all of this is part of the territory with your own personal growth. As you create your own symbolism put it in one book.
The Phoenix has many spiritual connections. This beautiful creature is associated with good fortune, harmony, tranquility, balance, and prosperity. This firebird symbolism: Fire, passion, pure inspiration, and rebirth.
The Tree of Life can have different meanings within different cultures. Although there is one common theme of connecting the physical and spiritual realms. It can represent physical and spiritual nourishment, transformation, and knowledge.
The Dragon within spirituality also has different meanings. As a healer, when you see a dragon, often times you are the dragon. It is a beautiful realization to see the power within you.
Ace of Wands within tarot represents inspiration, new opportunities, growth, and potential. There is some really beautiful symbolic imagery on this journal that I was just drawn to. It almost feels like a spiritual collaboration on the cover from different belief systems.
Journal Your Journey
Includes 1 embossed journal